Access to’s news entitled “Packs of Corona Virus by ÇAYKUR (General Directorate of Tea Enterprises ) – Infected workers has rebelled!” published on April 11, 2020, has been blocked.
The access ban was ordered by Rize Penal Judgeship of Peace on 13.04.2020. However, Gençağa Karafazlı, the grand holder of the news site, stated that the access block was imposed before the court decision.
In the news, it was reported that despite the circular issued by the Presidency regarding the imposition of administrative leave for public workers who are infected, ÇAYKUR did not apply this circular and that over 450 workers working in two separate -among one is a packaging factory- factories were quarantined or under surveillance.
Haber nedeniyle Çağdaş Gazeticiler Derneği Rize Şube Başkanı görevini de yürüten haber sitesi İmtiyaz Sahibi Gençağa Karafazlı ve muhabiri Doğan Can İlek hakkında soruşturma başlatıldı.
An investigation is launched against the journalist due to the news article.