Agence France-Presse (AFP) photojournalist Bülent Kılıç was detained while covering the 19th Pride March in Taksim, Istanbul on June 26, 2021. The police pressed on Kılıç’s throat and handcuffed him behind his back while detaining him. Kılıç was released in the evening of the same day. Istanbul Provincial Security Directorate claimed that it was only after Kılıç was taken to Beyoğlu Security Directorate that it was realized that he was a journalist (June 26).
Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation against the police officers. Kılıç also filed a complaint against the police officers. He demanded compensation for damaged equipment as well as moral damages (August 4).
The Istanbul 8th Administrative Court ruled that the police officers “exceeded their authority to use force and used force in a disproportionate manner, thus constituting a service defect” when they detained Kılıç. The court ruled that Kılıç be paid a total of 30,95 TL compensation, 10,95 TL in material damages and 20,000 TL in non-pecuniary damages, for his damaged equipment (January 9).
Prosecutor Aysel Daşkıran closed the investigation against the police officers.