Welcome to bianet’s Media Monitoring Database

The Media Monitoring Database supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Heinrich Böll Stiftung and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) aims at monitoring and reporting violations of freedom of expression towards the media employees and organizations in Turkey.

Academic Consultant: Ulaş Karan
Media Monitoring Reports: Erol Önderoğlu
Design and Programming: Ali Seçkin Karayol
Implementation: Gülçin Kaner
Project Coordinator: Elif Ünal

Editors: Sinem Aydınlı, Varduhi Balyan, Selay Dalaklı


As of 2019, we completed the Legal Journalism and Media Freedom Project supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

In the scope of the project, we set out to create the Legal Journalism Handbook and Media Monitoring Database. The project was coordinated by Elif Ünal.

In the first place, we organised a round-table meeting with Civil Rights Defender in order to identify the problems. Prof. Dr. Aslı Tunç talked about legal journalism from the perspective of an academic, Gökçer Tahincioğlu from the perspective of a journalist and Fikret İlkiz from that of a lawyer. We discussed the problems and solution offers in legal journalism.

As a result of this meeting, we have taken another step towards Legal Journalism Handbook. Our online handbook on Legal Journalism has been written by Şengün Kılıç and edited by Gökçer Tahincioğlu. Published in Turkish and Kurdish, the Legal Journalism Handbook has been translated into Kurdish by bia Kurdî editors Murat Bayram and Ferid Demirel.

The Media Monitoring Database is based on the Media Monitoring Reports are written by Erol Önderoğlu for bianet. Our aim was to create an information center through which the cases and intervention against the media employees and organizations can be monitored.

With the database, we have brought together lawsuits and other legislative, judicial or administrative interferences to the right to freedom of expression of journalists and media organizations that have been reported by Medya Monitoring Reports since 2017, assisted by Ulaş Karan’s academic consultancy. Attorney Gülçin Kaner was the editor. The visual design and programming of the database were completed by Ali Seçkin Karayol.

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