The first hearing of the non-pecuniary damage case worth 100 thousand TL, filed against journalist Furkan Karabay on the charge of “unfair attack on personal rights” (TCK 125) with the complaint of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s former lawyer Mustafa Doğan İnal, citing his social media post, was held on October 19, 2023, in Istanbul 1 Held in the Civil Court of First Instance. Announcing its verdict, the court decided to reject the case (October 19, 2023).
Davanın dördüncü duruşması 13 Haziran 2024 günü İstanbul 33. Asliye Hukuk Mahkemesinde görüldü. Mahkeme, İstanbul 2. Asliye Ceza Mahkemesindeki dava dosyasının kesinleşmesinin beklenilmesine karar verdi, duruşma 7 Ocak 2025 tarihine ertelendi (13 Haziran).
4th hearing of trial was held on 13 June, 2024, at the İstanbul 33th Civil Court of First Instance. The court decided to wait for the case file in the Istanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance to be finalized. The hearing was adjourned until 7th January, 2025 (13th June).