Nadire Mater
İstanbul - 2021
Cancellation of Nadire Mater’s press card “without notice”
The Presidency’s Communications Directorate made defense in the court case filed by IPS Communication Foundation Chair and bianet Project Coordinator Nadire Mater, whose permanent press card had not been renewed…
Speak Up Platform
İstanbul - 2021
Rejection of Speak Up Platform’s objection to censorship
The İstanbul 12th Criminal Judgeship of Peace rejected the appeal against the İstanbul 11th Criminal Judgeship of Peace’s access block to 168 links of news regarding the access block imposed…
Tele 1
İstanbul - 2021
Legal action against RTÜK’s blackout of Halk TV and Tele 1
İlhan Taşçı and Okan Konuralp, the members of the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) from the Republican People’s Party (CHP), appealed to the Administrative Court against the RTÜK’s five-day…
Halk TV
İstanbul - 2021
Legal action against RTÜK’s blackout of Halk TV and Tele 1
İlhan Taşçı and Okan Konuralp, the members of the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) from the Republican People’s Party (CHP), appealed to the Administrative Court against the RTÜK’s five-day…
Murat Güreş
Gaziantep - 2021
Murat Güreş’s appeal against “access block”
Journalist Murat Güreş, the owner of the Gaziantep-based news website, took legal action against the access block imposed by the Criminal Judgeship of Peace on the news regarding the…