Businessperson Sedat Kılınç was punched by a group of people before the program to be broadcast on the Deniz Postası TV channel’s studio in the Sahabiye Neighborhood in Kayseri’s Kocasinan district. Journalist Azim Deniz, the owner and editor-in-chief of the Deniz Postası newspaper and TV channel, was battered while trying to intervene.
Deniz and Kılınç were discharged from the hospital following their treatment. Launching an investigation into the incident, the police teams took 6 people into custody (April 9).
The defendants Ozan Kardemir, Onur Akça, Oğuzhan Karaerik, Mustafa Önal, Furkan Yavuz, Alparslan Türkeş İnce, and Abdulkadir Ekici were each sentenced to 11 years and 4 months in prison (May 22nd).