Journalist Kenan Kırkaya is on trial for “propagandising for a terrorist organisation” due to his social media posts he has shared in the years between 2014 and 2015 at the 32th High Criminal Court of Ankara. The court adjourned the hearing until January 23, 2020 by accepting his health problems as excuse.
The prosecutor, who submitted his opinion at the hearing on January 23, asked Kırkaya to be punished for “propagandising for a terrorist organisation” and accepted the request of Kırkaya’s lawyer for the defense. The court was postponed to 5 March (23 January).
At the hearing held on 5 March, Kırkaya stated that the alleged posts did not belong to him. Attorney Özdoğan presented the comprehensive defense file to the prosecution. The requests were accepted and the hearing was adjourned until June 4, 2020 (5 March)
At the final hearing held on September 4, the court board ruled that Kırkaya should be sentenced to 1 year, 6 months, 22 days in prison. The announcement of the verdict has been deferred (September 4).