Facing a lawsuit on charge of “insulting the President of the Republic”, Rüstem Batum is standing trial at the İstanbul 41st Criminal Court of First Instance. The lawsuit has been filed against the journalist on the grounds of his remarks during a program presented by Ayşegül Doğan on İMC TV in 2015.
At the 12th hearing held on February 18, 2021, the court board gave time to the attorneys to inform the court about the address of Batum, who is residing abroad, and ruled that letters rogatory should be prepared so that Batum’s statement of defense could be taken abroad. The warrant against Batum is still in effect. The next hearing will be held on June 8 (February 18).
At the hearing held on June 8, 2021, the court board ruled that the execution of the warrant against Rüstem Batum should be awaited and that the documents for letters rogatory should be prepared in the event that his address abroad could be identified. The next hearing of the case will be held on October 21 (June 8).
The hearing held on October 21, 2021 was not attended by Batum, who lives abroad, or his lawyers, who offered an excuse. The next hearing will be held on January 11, 2022 (October 21).
Rüstem Batum, who lives abroad, and his lawyers, who offered an excuse, did not attend the hearing on January 11, 2022. The court ruled that the execution of the warrant issued against Batum should be awaited. The next hearing will be held on April 5 (January 11).
At the hearing held on April 5, 2022, Batum’s lawyers reiterated the statements that they had submitted to the file between the hearings and requested acquittal. The court gave time to the prosecutor’s office to present its opinion as to the accusations. The next hearing will be held on April 20 (April 5).
At the hearing held on April 20, 2022, the court ruled that Batum should be acquitted. The court also lifted the arrest warrant (April 20).