The ABC Gazetesi announced that 33 news reports published on the news website were facing a removal order. The situation was announced to the public in an article penned by journalist Serkut Bozkurt on June 23, 2022. According to the article, the decisions of content removal given by Criminal Judgeships of Peace were delivered to the ABC Gazetesi via the Access Providers’ Union (ESB); the website declared that the news would not be removed no matter what sanctions would follow.
Among the news reports facing a removal order were also the ones concerning the summary of a content published in the Official Gazette with the signature of President Erdoğan, the statement of CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu about Fettah Tamince at the Parliament, the suicide of Enes Kara, a student of Fırat University Medical Faculty, at the religious community dorm where was forced to stay by his family, incidents of sexual harassment targeting women and children, threat and blackmail (June 23).