Closed Özgür Gündem newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief on Watch solidarity campaign was launched on May 3, 2016 and ended on August 7, 2016. 56 people joined the campaign. 50 of the attendees faced prosecution. Of the prosecuted, files of the 38 have been turned into cases.
Having attended the solidarity campaign with Özgür Gündem, Can Dündar and documentarist Veysi Altay have stood trial for allegedly “propagandising for a terrorist organisation”, “releasing or publishing terror organizations’ statements or declarations” and “praising the offence and the offender” at the 22nd High Criminal Court in İstanbul.
The managing editor of Özgür Gündem, İnan Kızılkaya was present at all hearings as defendant.
At the ninth hearing held on January 31, 2019, the court adjourned the hearing until July 18, 2019 as it was ruled to grant additional time for missing documents to be included, as well as for an answer from a rogatory court to arrive.
At subsequent hearings held on July 18 and November 28, 2019, the 22nd High Criminal Court of Istanbul ruled to wait for the execution of the arrest warrant against Dündar and adjourned the trial until 21 May 2020.