Tag: Erdinç Yılmaz
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Erdinç Yılmaz
İstanbul - 2022
Police intervention against Halk TV reporter Erdinç Yılmaz
Covering the demolitions undertaken as part of urban transformation in Tokatköy, Halk TV reporter Erdinç Yılmaz was pushed and moved away by the police with shields (September 1).
Erdinç Yılmaz
İstanbul - 2021
Police prevention against journalists covering Boğaziçi University protests – Halk TV reporter Erdinç Yılmaz
Halk TV reporter Erdinç Yılmaz was battered by the police and Artı Gerçek reporter Yağmur Kaya’s press card was seized while they were filming the police intervention against the students’…
Erdinç Yılmaz
İstanbul - 2021
Physical intervention against journalists – Erdinç Yılmaz
Police intervened against the students who wanted to hold a protest in İstanbul’s Kadıköy district on April 1, 2021 in support of their friends arrested for joining the Boğaziçi University…
Erdinç Yılmaz
İstanbul - 2021
Physical violence against journalists – Erdinç Yılmaz
During the protests held in İstanbul’s Kadıköy district as part of the Boğaziçi University students’ reactions against the appointment of AKP’s Melih Bulu as a rector to their university, the…