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Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2015
Reyhan Çapan – Trial for “not publishing correction and reply properly”
On September 24, 2014, Adana 3rd Penal Court of Peace ruled for a correction for the news report with the title “Child Murderers” published on the issue of Özgür Gündem…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2021
Reyhan Çapan – trial for “publishing in such a way to disclose the identities of victims or perpetrators of crimes under the age of 18 or to make them identifiable”
A lawsuit was filed against shutdown Özgür Gündem newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief Eren Keskin and Managing Editor Reyhan Çapan on charge of “publishing in such a way to disclose the identities of…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2015
Reyhan Çapan – trial for “insulting the President of the Republic”
Over a news report titled “The Palace has gone crazy” (Saray çıldırdı) published in Özgür Gündem on September 8, 2015, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Hüseyin Aykol, Managing Editor Reyhan Çapan,…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2015
Reyhan Çapan – trial for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”
Over a news report titled “The Palace has gone crazy” (Saray çıldırdı) published in Özgür Gündem on September 8, 2015, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Hüseyin Aykol, Managing Editor Reyhan Çapan,…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2021
Reyhan Çapan – trial for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” and “printing or publishing the statements of terrorist organizations”
With 18 indictments merged, a lawsuit was filed against Reyhan Çapan, the former managing editor of Özgür Gündem newspaper, on charges of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” and “printing or…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2018
Özgür Gündem newspaper executive Reyhan Çapan’s judicial fine for “insulting the President of the Republic” upheld
The 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance in Istanbul and İstanbul High Criminal Court sentenced the executives of now-shuttered Özgür Gündem Eren Keskin and Reyhan Çapan to fines of 28000…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2018
Managing editor for Özgür Gündem newspaper Reyhan Çapan – trial for “insulting the President of Republic”
The İstanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance sentenced the former Editors-in-Chief of Özgür Gündem, Eren Keskin and the former managing editor of the paper, Reyhan Çapan to 5 years…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2018
Özgür Gündem Managing Editor Reyhan Çapan – trial for “degrading Turkish nation, the Republic, the organs and institutions of the state”
The 2nd High Criminal Court in Istanbul sentenced the former responsible news editor for the shuttered Özgür Gündem Eren Keskin and the managing director Reyhan Çapan to 2 years and…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2018
The trial of Journalist Reyhan Çapan – “propogandising for a terrorist organization”
Reyhan Çapan, the former editor-in-chief of Özgür Gündem daily newspaper, which was closed by a statutory decree, has been arrested in Artvin. She was previously sentenced to 1 year and…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2019
Judicial fine on Reyhan Çapan
On March 7, Istanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First instance sentences Former Editor-In-Chief Eren Keskin and former managing editor Reyhan Çapan  to fines of  TL 10416 (7 March) due to…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2017
Özgür Gündem Trials: The Editors-in-Chief on Watch Campaign – Reyhan Çapan
The Editors-in-Chief on Watch campaign of Özgür Gündem daily had begun on May 3, 2016 and ended on August 7, 2016. Daily was closed through the Statutory Decree No. 675…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2017
Özgür Gündem managing editor Reyhan Çapan – “openly inciting to commit crimes”, “praising an offence and offender”, “successively propagandizing for a terrorist organization”
The trial where Özgür Gündem co-editor in chief Hüseyin Aykol, journalist Hasan Başak and Reyhan Çapan are being tried is continuing in front of İstanbul 13 Heavy Criminal Court. The…
Reyhan Çapan
İstanbul - 2019
The case in which nine writers of the daily Özgür Gündem is tried for “propagandizing for terrorist organisation [PKK]” – Reyhan Çapan
Nine writers and employees of the daily Özgür Gündem were tried on the charge of “propagandizing for a terrorist organisation [PKK]” for the articles published in the Özgür Gündem, which…
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