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Serpil Ünal
İstanbul - 2024
Serpil Ünal in custody
Mücadele Birliği’s reporter Serpil Ünal during monitoring the groups banned by the Istanbul Governorship from Taksim Square on May 1, was taken into custody after being handcuffed behind the back…
Serpil Ünal
Lawsuit against journalists who protested the detention of journalists – Serpil Ünal
A lawsuit was filed against ETHA editor Pınar Gayip, Evrensel reporter Eylem Nazlıer, Direniş reporter Esra Soybir, Struggle Union reporter Serpil Ünal, Gazete Patika reporter Yadigar Aygün and journalist Zeynep…
Serpil Ünal
İstanbul - 2021
Detention of Serpil Ünal
Taylan Özgür Öztaş, a reporter for Özgür Gelecek (Free Future), Serpil Ünal, a reporter for Mücadele Birliği (Struggle Union), and Kardelen Yoğungan, a reporter for Kızıl Bayrak (Red Flag), were…
Serpil Ünal
İstanbul - 2018
Serpil Ünal – trial for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”
The editor of Mücadele Birliği Süleyman Acar, Önsöz Journal’s editor Songül Yücel and reporter of Mücadele Birliği Serpil Ünal were taken into custody on 24 March 2018 by a police…
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