Interventions are listed
Zana Bilir Kaya
İstanbul - 2019
Zana Bilir Kaya is on Trial for “publicly degrading the government”
The case in which  journalists Hüseyin Aykol, Hatip Dicle, Zana Kaya and İnan Kızılkaya, former co-editors-in-chief and managing editor of the shuttered daily Özgür Gündem, for “publicly degrading the government,…
Zana Bilir Kaya
İstanbul - 2016
Özgür Gündem Main Trial: Zana Bilir Kaya
Özgür Gündem newspaper was shut down on 16 August 2016 by the decision of Istanbul 8th Criminal Judgeship of Peace. On the same day, many newspaper employees, including the co-editor…
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