Journalist Mehmet Çakmakçı, who worked also for Medyascope, was arrested on July 12 after eight days in custody. He has been standing trial for “membership in a terrorist organisation” for 15 years of imprisonment. The 10th High Criminal Court of Diyarbakır decided to release Çakmakçı on October 19, 2017.
At the hearing of the trial on 11 March 2020, the prosecutor submitted his opinion on the merits. The prosecutor requested Çakmakçı to be punished with “membership of an armed terrorist organization”. The hearing was postponed to 10 June 2020 for the preparation of defenses against the opinion on the merits.
On December 11, 2020, the 9th hearing of the case was held by a temporary court board as the Presiding Judge was excused. The court board has given time to Çakmakçı’s attorney for the defense as to the accusations. The next hearing will be held on December 30 (December 11).
At the hearing held on December 30, 2020, the court has ruled for the acquittal of Çakmakçı as it has concluded that he did not commit the charged offense of “membership in a terrorist organization” (December 30).