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İshak Yasul
İstanbul - 2018
İshak Yasul – Özgürlükçü Demokrasi Newspaper trial
During the raids on March 28 and the house raids on the following days, 33 people from the Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper and Gün Printing House were taken into custody, including…
İshak Yasul
İstanbul - 2017
İshak Yasul – trial for “Degrading Turkish Nation, State of Turkish Republic, the Organs and Institutions of the State”
The Istanbul Chief Prosecutor’s Office opened a lawsuit against Selman Keleş, Özgür Paksoy, Kenan Kırkaya, Aziz Oruç (reporters for the shuttered pro-Kurdish Dicle News Agency, or DİHA), Ersin Çaksu (The…
İshak Yasul
İstanbul - 2018
İshak Yasul – trial for “publishing the statements of a terrorist organization”
Editor of daily Özgürlükçü Demokrasi (Libertarian Democracy) Yılmaz Yıldız and managing editör İshak Yasul have been sentenced to ten months of imprisonment each for “propagandising for a terrorist organisation [PKK]…
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