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İzel Sezer
Ankara - 2022
Lawsuit for damages against İzel Sezer by an AKP MP
İleri Haber Editor-in-Chief İzel Sezer, in a social media message on September 16, 2022, announced that a lawsuit for damages was filed by AKP Ankara MP Ali İhsan Arslan against…
İzel Sezer
İstanbul - 2022
Lawsuit against İzel Sezer
Mustafa Doğan İnal, the former lawyer of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, filed a lawsuit against İleri Haber news website’s Editor-in-Chief İzel Sezer and Managing Editor Batuhan Batun after the allegations…
İzel Sezer
İstanbul - 2022
Investigation against journalist İzel Sezer
An investigation was launched against journalist İzel Sezer over a news report published on March 29, 2022 on news portal. The report in question titled “Dismissals following torture in…
İzel Sezer
Criminal complaint against İzel Sezer
Mustafa Doğan İnal, the former lawyer of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, filed a criminal complaint against İleri Haber news website’s Editor-in-Chief İzel Sezer. Sezer indicated that the criminal complaint was…
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