Interventions are listed
Nurcan Yalçın
Nurcan Yalçın detained during police raid in Diyarbakır
During home raids in Diyarbakır on May 6, 2024, journalists Nurcan Yalçın and Derya Us were detained on charges of “membership in a terrorist organization” (Turkish Criminal Code Article 314/2)…
Eylül Deniz Yaşar
Violence against AFP Agency reporter Eylül Deniz Yaşar in custody
AFP Agency photo and video reporter Eylül Deniz Yaşar, who was covering the Newroz celebrations held in Yenikapı, Istanbul, was detained on March 17. Yaşar was released in the evening…
Hayri Demir
Ankara - 2024
Censorship of journalist Hayri Demir by Middle East Technical University
Middle East Technical University (METU) Rectorate declined permission for journalist Hayri Demir to speak at the invitation of the Media Society. The Media Society stated, “According to its new regulations,…
Ekim Veyisoğlu
Reporter Ekim Veyisoğlu released on judicial control measures
Siyasi Haber reporter Ekim Veyisoğlu, who had taken images of a refugee woman being forcefully detained by the police at the Mecidiyeköy metro station in İstanbul on 28 April 2024,…
Tele 1
RTÜK fined Tele1
RTÜK fined Tele1 2 percent of revenue on grounds that program guest Rıfat Serdaroğlu describing some politicians as “the palace’s house guard” “had exceeded the limits of criticism (3 May).
Now TV
İstanbul - 2024
RTÜK fined Now TV 2 percent of revenue
RTÜK fined Now TV 2 percent of revenue for “violating the right to privacy” (TCK 134) over showing the image of a mobile phone regarding messaging between former Minister of…
Umut Taştan
Journalist Umut Taştan injured in police intervention on 1 May
Journalists Fatoş Erdoğan and Umut Taştan, who were covering the 1 May Workers and Laborers Day celebrations in İstanbul, were injured in the police intervention. While journalist Umut Taştan suffered…
Fatoş Erdoğan
İstanbul - 2024
Journalist Fatoş Erdoğan injured in police intervention on 1 May
Journalists Fatoş Erdoğan and Umut Taştan, who were covering the 1 May Workers and Laborers Day celebrations in İstanbul, were injured in the police intervention. While journalist Umut Taştan suffered…
Tuncay Özdamar
İstanbul - 2023
Tuncay Özdamar – Investigation for “targeting people who took part in the fight against terrorism”
An investigation was launched against Tuncay Özdamar, the director of the WDR Cosmo Turkish media outlet WDR Cosmo, who landed at Esenboğa Airport in Ankara on September 30, 2023 to…
Metin Cihan
İstanbul - 2023
Metin Cihan – investigation for “Gazze”
President Erdoğan and his family filed a criminal complaint against exiled journalist Metin Cihan for his social media posts. Criticizing the President’s family for being inconsistent, the journalist said, “On…
Metin Cihan
İstanbul - 2023
Metin Cihan – trial for “insult” and “defamation”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan filed a criminal complaint against journalist Metin Cihan on charges of “insult” (TCK 125) and “defamation” (TCK 167), citing allegations made on his social media account.…
Barış Pehlivan
Ankara - 2023
Barış Pehlivan – trial for “insult”
Barış Pehlivan and Suat Toktaş are on trial for “insulting a public official” following a complaint filed by former HSK member Hamit Kocabey. During the hearing of the case held…
Suat Toktaş
Ankara - 2023
Suat Toktaş – trial for “insult”
Barış Pehlivan and Suat Toktaş are being on trial for “insulting a public official” following a complaint filed by former HSK member Hamit Kocabey. During the hearing of the case…
Hacı Boğatekin
Adıyaman - 2023
Hacı Boğatekin – “defamation” trial
Hacı Boğatekin, the reporter of Gerger Fırat newspaper published in Adıyaman, is on trial for the news reports titled “Bribery allegation in Gerger Courthouse” on October 18, 2018 and “Don’t…
Zeynep Durgut
Şırnak - 2023
November the 25th march follow-up detentions –Zeynep Durgut
Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporters Zeynep Durgut and Ömer Akın and JinNews reporter Rozerin Gültekin were detained during the police intervention in Şırnak during a march planned to be held on…
Mehmet Kamış
İstanbul - 2017
Mehmet Kamış – trial for “attempting to overthrow the Constitutional order”
“Writer Ahmet Altan, his brother Mehmet Altan, journalist Nazlı Ilıcak, former editor-in-chief of Zaman newspaper Ekrem Dumanlı, former Taraf writer Emre Uslu, journalist Tuncay Opçin, Samanyolu Television’s Washington representative Şemseddin…
Ayça Söylemez
İstanbul - 2023
Ayça Söylemez – trial for “marking a counterterrorism official as a target”
Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office Terror and Organized Crimes Investigation Bureau prepared an indictment against bianet human rights editor and journalist Ayça Söylemez based on a complaint by Deputy Justice…
Barış Terkoğlu
İstanbul - 2023
Threat against Barış Terkoğlu by Devlet Bahçeli
In his weekly group speech, MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli attacked Cumhuriyet columnist Barış Terkoğlu for his article titled “Will Erdoğan throw Bahçeli off his back?” with the following sentences: “It…
Canan Coşkun
İstanbul - 2016
Canan Coşkun – – trial for “marking a counterterrorism official as a target”
In 2017, a lawsuit was filed against Cumhuriyet newspaper reporter Canan Coşkun at Istanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance in accordance with Article 6/1 of the Anti-Terror Law (TMK)…
Levent Gültekin
İstanbul - 2023
Compensation fine against Levent Gültekin
Istanbul 23rd Civil Court of First Instance sentenced journalist Levent Gültekin to 25 thousand Turkish Liras in compensation for his remarks against Selçuk Bayraktar, President Erdoğan’s son-in-law and chairman of…
Murat Ağırel
İstanbul - 2023
Threat against Murat Ağırel
On the YouTube channel Taktik Mania Plus, sports commentators Nevzat Dindar and Alper Mert threatened journalist Murat Ağırel for his article titled “I reached Eyüpspor President and Galatasaray congress member…
Yıldız Tar
Ankara - 2023
Investigation against Yıldız Tar – “marking a counterterrorism official as a target”
An investigation was launched against KAOS GL news website editor Yıldız Tar due to “marking a counterterrorism official as a target” (TMK 6/1) for her article titled “The hometown of…
Mehmet Kamış
İzmir - 2023
Detention of Mehmet Kamış
Mehmet Kamış, former deputy editor-in-chief of the shut-down Zaman daily and the subject of an arrest warrant for “attempting to overthrow the constitutional order” (Article 309 of the Turkish Penal…
Saygı Öztürk
Journalists threatened by Süleyman Soylu – Saygı Öztürk
MP and former Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu targeted journalists Tolga Şardan, Saygı Öztürk, Orhan Uğuroğlu and Cengiz Demirel on his social media account regarding the news about him. Sharing screenshots…
Orhan Uğuroğlu
Journalists threatened by Süleyman Soylu – Orhan Uğuroğlu
MP and former Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu targeted journalists Tolga Şardan, Saygı Öztürk, Orhan Uğuroğlu and Cengiz Demirel on his social media account regarding the news about him. Sharing screenshots…
Cengiz Demirel
Journalists threatened by Süleyman Soylu – Cengiz Demirel
MP and former Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu targeted journalists Tolga Şardan, Saygı Öztürk, Orhan Uğuroğlu and Cengiz Demirel on his social media account regarding the news about him. Sharing screenshots…
Tolga Şardan
Journalists threatened by Süleyman Soylu – Tolga Şardan
MP and former Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu targeted journalists Tolga Şardan, Saygı Öztürk, Orhan Uğuroğlu and Cengiz Demirel on his social media account regarding the news about him. Sharing screenshots…
Ömer Akın
Şırnak - 2023
November the 25th march follow-up detentions – Ömer Akın
Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporters Zeynep Durgut and Ömer Akın and JinNews reporter Rozerin Gültekin were detained during the police intervention against a march in Şırnak on November 25, International Day…
Rozerin Gültekin
Şırnak - 2023
November the 25th march follow-up detentions – Rozerin Gültekin
Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporters Zeynep Durgut and Ömer Akın and JinNews reporter Rozerin Gültekin were detained during the police intervention against a march in Şırnak on November 25, International Day…
Barış Pehlivan
Ankara - 2023
Barış Pehlivan – “insulting a public officer”
Barış Pehlivan and Mustafa Büyüksipahi, former Chief Editor of Cumhuriyet newspaper, are on trial at Ankara 19th Criminal Court of First Instance on charges of “insulting a public official” (TCK…
Mustafa Büyüksipahi
Ankara - 2023
Mustafa Büyüksipahi – trial for “insulting a public official”
Barış Pehlivan and Mustafa Büyüksipahi, former Chief Editor of Cumhuriyet newspaper, are on trial at Ankara 19th Criminal Court of First Instance on charges of “insulting a public official” (TCK…
Yıldız Tar
Ankara - 2023
Yıldız Tar summoned to give her statement
Kaos GL reporter Yıldız Tar posted on her social media account that they were summoned to testify on November 21 by Ankara Anti-Terror Branch Directorate due to their article titled…
Hakkı Boltan
Diyarbakır - 2023
Detention of Hakkı Boltan
Journalist Hakkı Boltan, who is among the 216 people for whom a detention warrant has been issued as part of an investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office,…
Mustafa Sönmez
İstanbul - 2023
Mustafa Sönmez – Trial for “insulting the President of the Republic”
Journalist and economist Mustafa Sönmez will be tried for the fifth time for “insulting the President of the Republic” (TCK 299) due to his posts on his X account. Sönmez,…
Mehmet Güleş
Diyarbakır - 2023
Mehmet Güleş – Investigation for “publicly spreading misleading information”
Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office ruled “no prosecution” in the investigation against Mezopotamya Agency (MA) reporter Mehmet Güleş, who was detained along with his news source on charges of “publicly…
DW Türkçe
Ankara - 2023
Access block to Deutche Welle Turkish
Deutsche Welle (DW) Turkish, which was blocked in June 2022 upon the request of the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) on the grounds that it had not obtained a…
Furkan Karabay
İstanbul - 2023
Furkan Karabay – “public insult” and “slander” allegations
Journalist Furkan Karabay, upon the complaint of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s former lawyer Mustafa Doğan İnal, was charged with “public insult” (TPC 125) and “slander” (TPC 267) for his news…
Ozan Alper Yurtoğlu
İstanbul - 2023
Ozan Alper Yurtoğlu – “insulting the President” and “insulting a public official”
Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Barış Pehlivan and Managing Editor Ozan Alper Yurtoğlu are on trial at Istanbul 15th Criminal Court of First Instance on charges of “insulting the President” (TCK 299)…
Barış Pehlivan
İstanbul - 2023
Barış Pehlivan – “insulting the President” and “insulting a public official”
Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Barış Pehlivan and Managing Editor Ozan Alper Yurtoğlu are on trial at Istanbul 15th Criminal Court of First Instance on charges of “insulting the President” (TCK 299)…
Elif Akkuş
Ankara - 2023
Arrest of Elif Akkuş
Elif Akkuş, a 25-year TRT employee, was suspended on April 20 without any justification. Akkuş was not allowed to enter the TRT building after a three-month “suspension from duty”. Akkuş…
Sertaç Kayar
Sertaç Kayar – defamation case
Journalist Sertaç Kayar, who had to testify three times and was subjected to two separate investigations and a lawsuit due to the same allegation and accusation, was acquitted of “insult”…
Mehmet Karakeçili
Şanlıurfa - 2023
Assault against Mehmet Karakeçili
In Urfa, Viranşehir Mayor Salih Ekinci’s bodyguard and relative beat Mehmet Karakeçili, editor-in-chief of Viran TV, who was writing about corruption allegations against the municipality (August 30).
İsmail Arı
İstanbul - 2023
Threat against İsmail Arı
BirGün newspaper reporter İsmail Arı announced on his social media account that he received many death threats and insulting messages, mostly from members of the Menzil Community. The journalist said,…
Bilal Güldem
Diyarbakır - 2023
Criminal complaint against Bilal Güldem
Bilal Güldem, editor of Mezopotamya Agency (MA), was targeted for sharing a video of children on their way to prayer in Batman on his social media account. The journalist filed…
Erdoğan Adıyaman
Kahramanmaraş - 2023
Pyhsical attack against Erdoğan Adıyaman
MADO’s founder and vice chairman Atilla Kanbur attacked Concessionaire holder of Güven Haber, Erdoğan Adıyaman who reported that he had retrofitted a building that had been heavily damaged in the…
Merdan Yanardağ
İstanbul - 2023
Merdan Yanardağ – “insulting the president of the republic”
TELE1 Editor-in-Chief Merdan Yanardağ is on trial for “insulting the President” based on his columns published in BirGün between April 10, 2022 and May 29, 2022. In the third hearing…
Yaman Kaya
Bursa - 2023
Armed attack against Yaman Kaya
In Bursa, Başka Gazete Editor-in-Chief Yaman Kaya announced that he was armed attacked in his car in the evening on November 13 (13 November).
Alican Uludağ
Threat against Alican Uludağ
MHP Deputy Chairperson İzzet Ulvi Yönter threatened journalist Alican Uludağ after he shared on social media a photo of him witnessing the wedding of the daughter of a member of…
Barış Pehlivan
İstanbul - 2023
Barış Pehlivan – trial for “insult for a public officer”
Journalist Barış Pehlivan, who is imprisoned in Maltepe Open Prison, is on trial for “insulting a public official” (TCK 125-3) for his article titled “Nauseating story” published in Cumhuriyet newspaper…
Barış Terkoğlu
İstanbul - 2023
Barış Terkoğlu – Trial for “insulting public officer”
Journalist Barış Terkoğlu is on trial together with IYI Party Deputy Chairman Ahmet Zeki Üçok on charges of “insulting a public official due to the performance of his public duty;”…
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