Tag: Doğan Can İlek
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Doğan Can İlek
Rize - 2020
Coronavirus watch: The article entitled ”Ardeşen Municipality can’t pay salaries”- Doğan Can İlek
An investigation is launched against Gençağa Karafazlı who is also the president of Rize branch of Progressive Journalists Association and newspaper editor Doğan Can İlek due to the news article entitled…
Doğan Can İlek
Rize - 2020
Coronavirus watch: Access ban on the article entitled ”Packs of corona virus by ÇAYKUR”- Doğan Can İlek
An investigation is launched against Gençağa Karafazlı who is also the president of Rize branch of Progressive Journalists Association and newspaper editor Doğan Can İlek due to the news article called…
Doğan Can İlek
Rize - 2020
Coronavirus watch: The article regarding the corona-positive worker at Zihni Derin factory- Doğan Can İlek
An investigation is launched against Gençağa Karafazlı who is also the president of Rize branch of Progressive Journalists Association and newspaper editor Doğan Can İlek due to the news article called…
Doğan Can İlek
Rize - 2020
Coronavirus watch: The article entitled ” Corona Alert at Çaykur” – Investigation against Doğan Can İlek
An investigation is launched against Gençağa Karafazlı who is also the president of Rize branch of Progressive Journalists Association and newspaper editor Doğan Can İlek due to the news article called…
Doğan Can İlek
Rize - 2020
Coronavirus watch: Regarding the absence of quarantine measures – Investigation against Doğan Can İlek
An investigation is launched against Gençağa Karafazlı and Doğan Can Dilek due to their article published by Evrensel Newspaper on March 17. The article reported the absence of quarantine measures for…