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Ersin Çaksu
İstanbul - 2017
Ersin Çaksu – trial for “degrading the military institutions of the state”
On October 12, 2017, the 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance of İstanbul sentenced former editor for Özgürlükçü Demokrasi Harun Epli and former editor-in-chief of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi, Ersin Çaksu to…
Ersin Çaksu
İstanbul - 2018
Özgür Gündem columnist Ersin Çaksu – trial for “insulting the President of Republic”
The İstanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance sentenced the former Editors-in-Chief of Özgür Gündem, Eren Keskin and the former managing editor of the paper, Reyhan Çapan to 5 years…
Ersin Çaksu
İstanbul - 2017
Ersin Çaksu – trial for “publishing the statements of a terrorist organization”, “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”
The 22nd High Criminal Court of Istanbul sentenced the editor-in-chief for Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper, Ersin Çaksu and the former chief editor of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi Harun Epli to 3 years 9…
Ersin Çaksu
İstanbul - 2017
Ersin Çaksu – trial for “Degrading Turkish Nation, State of Turkish Republic, the Organs and Institutions of the State”
The Istanbul Chief Prosecutor’s Office opened a lawsuit against Selman Keleş, Özgür Paksoy, Kenan Kırkaya, Aziz Oruç (reporters for the shuttered pro-Kurdish Dicle News Agency, or DİHA), Ersin Çaksu (The…
Ersin Çaksu
İstanbul - 2019
Raid on Özgür Gündem newspaper – Ersin Çaksu
22 persons including 20 journalists have been detained in the police raid on Özgür Gündem after it was closed by the order on August 16, 2016.  All detainees were released…
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