Interventions are listed
Özgür Boğatekin
Adıyaman - 2022
Özgür Boğatekin summoned to give his statement
Özgür Boğatekin, the News Director of local Gerger Newspaper based in Adıyaman’s Gerger district, was summoned to give his statement on charge of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” upon a…
Özgür Boğatekin
Adıyaman - 2021
Özgür Boğatekin – investigation for “provoking the public to hatred and hostility”
An investigation was launched against Özgür Boğatekin, the news director of Adıyaman Gerger Fırat Newspaper, due to his social media posts about the racist attack that claimed the lives of…
Özgür Boğatekin
Adıyaman - 2011
Özgür Boğatekin – trial for “calumny”
A lawsuit was filed against Özgür Boğatekin, the News Director of Gerger Fırat Newspaper, over the news report “Allegation of torture at the gendarmerie” dated May 10, 2011 and the…
Özgür Boğatekin
Adıyaman - 2020
Özgür Boğatekin – trial for “insult”
A lawsuit was filed against journalist Özgür Boğatekin upon the criminal complaint of Educators’ Union (Eğitim Bir-Sen) Adıyaman Branch Chair Ali Deniz. Charged with insult over his social media messages,…
Özgür Boğatekin
Adıyaman - 2020
Özgür Boğatekin – trial for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” and “turning a counterterrorism official into a target”
Özgür Boğatekin, on June 13, 2017, shared the video of an argument between Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Tunceli MP Alican Önlü and Gendarmerie Sergeant Major S.Ç. on duty at the…
Özgür Boğatekin
Adıyaman - 2014
The news director of Gerger Fırat local newspaper Özgür Boğatekin – Trial for “insult”
A lawsuit was filed against Özgür Boğatekin, the news director of Gerger Fırat local newspaper in Adıyaman in 2014 over his articles written in 2013 and 2013 in which he…
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