Items are listed
“High scholarship” censorship – T24
The Istanbul 9th ​​Criminal Court of Peace has blocked access to news regarding the large amounts of scholarships received by AKP Istanbul deputies Ravza Kavakçı Kan and Fatma Betül Sayan…
Investigation against T24 for “violation of confidentiality of judicial investigation” into Sinan Ateş murder
Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has launched an ex officio investigation against the T24 website on the grounds of “violating the confidentiality of a judicial investigation” for violating a restraining…
Gaziantep - 2021
Access block to news on public tenders won by the company where Gaziantep Şahinbey District Mayor’s son-in-law is an executive board member – T24
According to EngelliWeb’s post, the Gaziantep 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace, with its decision no. 2021/10370 dated October 22, 2021, imposed an access block on the news regarding the public…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on Ajansspor columnist Atilla Türker’s allegations – T24
Ajansspor columnist Atilla Türker wrote that Turkish Football Federation’s Dispute Resolution Board Chair Celal Candan is also the Vice Director General for Credit, Risk, Settlement and Legal Affairs at Halkbank…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on CHP Mersin MP Ali Mahir Başarır’s allegations – T24
The Beykoz Criminal Judgeship of Peace in İstanbul has imposed an access block on the YouTube video of Zeynel Lüle’s program on TELE1 TV, where program’s guest CHP Mersin MP…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on allegations about former Health Ministry Undersecretary Eyüp Gümüş – T24
The İstanbul 10th Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news regarding the allegations that former Health Ministry Undersecretary Eyüp Gümüş received a “healthy” report for…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to some news on Bilal Erdoğan reported since 2014 – T24
On the grounds of “violation of personal rights”, the İstanbul 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news reports regarding President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on Serhat Albayrak and Şule Albayrak – T24
Former Minister of Treasury and Finance Berat Albayrak’s elder brother and Turkuvaz Media Group’s CEO Serhat Albayrak and his spouse Şule Albayrak, also a faculty member from the Marmara University…
Ankara - 2021
Access block to news on the murder of a dog – T24
According to Engelli Web’s post, the Ankara 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace imposed an access block on the news on Alp Erkin, who shot his neighbor’s dog to death. Given…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on counsel’s fees received by President Erdoğan’s attorney for the lawsuits that he filed – T24
The İstanbul Anadolu 4th Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news reports covering the statements of CHP Mersin MP Ali Mahir Başarır, especially about the…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on allegations about Court of Cassation member and former intelligence officer starting a gang – T24
According to Engelli Web’s post, an access block has been imposed on the news regarding the news about the file of a prosecutor accused of stealing the money of a…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on the statements of DEVA Party Vice Chair Mustafa Yeneroğlu – T24
According to Engelli Web’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights and with its decision no. 2021/111 dated January 11, 2021, the İstanbul 11th Criminal Judgeship of Peace…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on allegations cited in Cendere, the new book of Barış Terkoğlu and Barış Pehlivan – T24
According to Engelli Web’s post, an access block has been imposed on the news regarding the allegations made in “Cendere” (Press), a new book by journalists Barış Terkoğlu and Barış…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to news on alleged charges of “threat, blackmail and plunder” – t24
The İstanbul 11th Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news regarding the allegation that TV100’s boss Necat Gülseven and Media Group Chair Murat Kelkitlioğlu were…
Ankara - 2020
Access block to news on alleged presence of Menzil sect members in Security Directorate – t24
On the grounds of violation of personal rights, the Ankara 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace, with its decision no. 2020/8403 dated November 26, 2020, has imposed an access block on…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to news regarding the winning of a tender by friend of Bilal Erdoğan – T24
According to the Engelliweb’s post, access block was imposed on the news published in Anka news portal, T24 and İleri haber regarding the winning of a 280 million TL tender organised by…
Manisa - 2020
Access block to news article regarding TTB’s report on coronavirus cases in Organised Industrial Zone and Vestel Factory in Manisa – T24
According to Engelliweb’s post, access block was imposed on the news articles regarding the TTB’s (Turkish Medical Assosiation) report on coronavirus cases in the Organised Industrial Zone and Vestel Factory in…
Ankara - 2020
Access block to articles covering developments on the Treasury – T24
Access block order was issued to news articles which were covering a year and a half long unpaid insurance payments due by Treasury published by Oda TV, BirGün,,…
Gaziantep - 2020
Coronavirus watch: Access block to 32 news articles covering Oba Makarna
Gaziantep 1st Criminal Peace Judgeship decided to block access to 32 news article, 69 tweet and 14 Facebook content related to more than 20 Covid-19 positive cases revealed at Oba…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to articles on TÜRGEV
An access block order was issued to articles published by Halk Tv, Evrensel, Tele1, Birgün, T24 and patronlar news portals covering money transfer between TÜRGEV, the Red Crescent and Başkentgaz which…
Access ban order to news published in T24 news website
The access ban order was issued to news article, entitled “Cumhuriyet’in ‘Haberimize yasak’ haberine de yasak geldi” (Access ban to news article, named ‘ban to our news’ by Cumhuriyet), published…
İstanbul - 2018
Access block on 10 news articles by the request of Kalyon Company – T24
With the request of Kalyon Aviation and Construction Company, Beykoz Magistrates’ Court ordered access block for 10 news articles published in the websites of Hürriyet, Sözcü, Milli Gazete, and the…
İstanbul - 2018
Access block on 10 news articles by the request of Cengiz İnşaat – T24
With the request of Cengiz İnşaat, the company of Cengiz Holding, Istanbul Anatolia 6th  Criminal peace judgeships ruled access block for 10 news articles concerning the claims of corruption activity…
İstanbul - 2018
Blocking access to 76 news articles published in websites of Hürriyet, Sözcü and Yeni Mesaj newspapers and news websites such as T24, Patronlar Dünyası and Odatv – T24
With the request of Ahmet Çalık, the chair of the board of Çalık Holding, Fifth Chamber of the Criminal Court of Peace in Bakırköy ruled access block for 76 news…
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