60 Cases are listed
Journalists, who exercise one of their fundamental rights in terms of informing the public, seek their rights before the law against all kinds of obstacles, attacks, and unlawful interventions that may hinder their duties. The success or failure of the authorities to punish those who target a reporter shows not only the extent to which journalists' "crimes" are prosecuted but also the value that the country places on the right to inform the public. Unfortunately, Turkey gives the appearance of a country where impunity is rooted, especially in the murders of journalists and in violence against a reporter.
Mehmet Altan
İstanbul - 2021
“Unfair arrest” lawsuit by Mehmet Altan
Arrested shortly after the coup attempt on June 15, 2016 and imprisoned for 656 days until June 2018 despite the ruling of right violation given by the Constitutional Court, journalist…
Hrant Dink Foundation
İstanbul - 2021
Release of defendants in the trial over threats against Hrant Dink Foundation
Put on trial at the İstanbul 56th Criminal Court of First Instance, Hüseyin Ateş and Ersin Başkan, who threatened the Hrant Dink Foundation with the emails that they sent in…
Fırat Topal
Diyarbakır - 2021
Legal action taken about online threat against Fırat Topal
A legal action has been taken about the threat against Fırat Topal, the Diyarbakır reporter of daily Evrensel, who received a message of “Şewbaş hewal death will find you Jitem”…
Özgür Ülke
Impunity for the attack on Özgür Ülke
Impunity for the attack on Özgür Ülke newspaper for 26 years: Having lost his life in the bombing of Özgür Ülke newspaper on December 3, 1995, transportation worker Ersin Yıldız…
İdris Yılmaz
Van - 2021
Decision of non-prosecution for the attack on İdris Yılmaz
Non-prosecution for the investigation launched by Yılmaz and Akbaş: Journalists İdris Yılmaz and Erhan Akbaş filed a criminal complaint at the Erciş Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office over the incident where…
Erhan Akbaş
Van - 2021
Decision of non-prosecution for the attack on Erhan Akbaş
Non-prosecution for the investigation launched by Yılmaz and Akbaş: Journalists İdris Yılmaz and Erhan Akbaş filed a criminal complaint at the Erciş Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office over the incident where…
Ahmet Şık
İstanbul - 2021
Case of “conspiracy” against Ahmet Şık
The trial over “conspiracy against Şık” has begun: On the grounds that they arrested investigative journalist Ahmet Şık over his draft book “İmamın Ordusu” (Imam’s Army) with a conspiracy in…
Fatin Dağıstanlı
İstanbul - 2021
“Provocation” case against Fatin Dağıstanlı
“Provocation” case against Dağıstanlı from Akit: During the “Manşetlerin Dili” (The Language of Headlines) program on Akit TV, presenter Fatin Dağıstanlı targeted Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist Işık Kansu and Cumhuriyet over…
Özgür Gündem
İstanbul - 2016
Raid on Özgür Gündem
A decision of non-prosecution has been given for the criminal complaint regarding the detention and battery of the workers of Özgür Gündem newspaper, İMC TV and Dicle News Agency (DİHA),…
Naji al Jerf
Gaziantep - 2015
Life sentence in the Naji al Jerf murder case
The Gaziantep High Criminal Court has given two life sentences to Yusuf Hamed Chefreihi due to a number of acts, including the killing of Hentah newspaper’s managing director Naji al…
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