Interventions are listed
Ayşenur Arslan
Investigation against Halk TV Medya presenter Ayşenur Arslan
An investigation was launched against Halk TV presenter Ayşenur Arslan for the crimes of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” and “praising the crime and the criminal” due to her…
Ayşenur Arslan
Ankara - 2022
Criminal complaint against Ayşenur Arslan
Applying to the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on February 11, 2022, the lawyers of the AKP, MHP and BBP filed separate criminal complaints against journalist Ayşenur Arslan over the…
Ayşenur Arslan
İstanbul - 2020
Ayşenur Arslan summoned to give a statement
According to her Twitter post, on October 2, 2020, journalist Ayşenur Arslan was summoned to give her statement as a “suspect” by the Press Crimes Investigation Bureau of the İstanbul…
Ayşenur Arslan
Ankara - 2018
Ayşenur Arslan – trial for “insulting the President of the Republic”
Journalist Ayşenur Arslan was sentenced to 1 year and 2 months of imprisonment in a case where she had been indicted for “insulting the President of Republic” due to her comments on…
Ayşenur Arslan
Eskişehir - 2019
The detention of Ayşenur Arslan
Ayşenur Arslan, journalist affiliated with the Halk TV, has been detained in Eskişehir province. Journalist stated that the detention was related to the an prosecution carried out by the Ankara…
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