Items are listed
Antalya - 2024
Access ban to abuse news at Sugozu Male Student Dormitory – BirGün
At the request of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, the Alanya 1st Criminal Court of Peace blocked access to the news articles published in BirGün, Cumhuriyet and DHA…
İstanbul - 2024
Access ban to news about corruption allegations against Bilal Erdoğan – BirGün
The Istanbul Anatolian 3rd Criminal Court of Peace blocked access to news articles about corruption allegations against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son Bilal Erdoğan on the websites BirGün (2), Cumhuriyet…
İstanbul - 2024
Halk Bank files 1 million TL compensation lawsuit against BirGün
Halk Bank files 1 million TL compensation lawsuit against BirGün newspaper due to the news articles published on June 5, 2024 under the titles ‘‘Halkbank’s 550 million loan to the…
Censorship of abuse incident: Access ban to Birgün
Antalya Alanya 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace imposed an access ban and ordered the removal of news articles published in BirGün, Cumhuriyet, and DHA regarding the violence, harassment, and abuse…
Six news reports on “corruption” censored
Istanbul 6th Criminal Judicature of Peace imposed an access ban on news reports about President Erdoğan’s lawyer in the context of various irregularities on the grounds of “violation of personal…
Compensation lawsuit against Birgün Newspaper and reporter İsmail Arı
President Erdoğan’s son-in-law Selçuk Bayraktar and his company Baykar Makina filed a lawsuit against BirGün newspaper and its reporter İsmail Arı for a total of 2 million TL. BirGün Chairman…
İstanbul - 2022
Access block to BirGün’s news report – Tender for subway and tram lines
With the decision of the İstanbul Anadolu 4th Criminal Judgeship of Peace dated December 2, 2022, an access block was imposed on BirGün’s news report titled “The iron network lines…
İstanbul - 2022
Lawsuit for damages by Minister Varank against BirGün newspaper
Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank filed a lawsuit for damages against BirGün newspaper, which had reported on the 208-million-lira tender won by his cousin Sedat Varank. Varan requested…
İstanbul - 2022
“Additional indicator” fine on by Press Advertisement Institution
Upon a complaint about a news report regarding Dokuz Eylül University, the Press Advertisement Institution (BİK) fined by cutting its right to an additional indicator for 7 days. The…
İstanbul - 2022
Access block to BirGün’s news on “Society for Spreading Wisdom”
The İstanbul 5th Criminal Judgeship of Peace gave a ruling on the news report “Tender society!” published on BirGün news website on July 14 and ruled that “the content should…
İstanbul - 2022
Lawsuit for damages against BirGün
Selçuk Bayraktar and his brother Haluk Bayraktar applied to the court on September 22 last year and demanded a total of 250 thousand liras in damages for the news titled…
İstanbul - 2022
Access block to 3 articles in Yeniçağ and BirGün
Some articles by writer Murat Ağırel’s series titled “Turkey in the grip of drugs” and “Turkey’s Narcos”, from Yeniçağ newspaper, and an article by BirGün newspaper’s columnist Timur Soykan, titled…
Ankara - 2022
Access block to news on Enes Kara – BirGün
Upon the application of Enes Kara’s father Mehmet Kara and with the decisions of the İskenderun 2nd Criminal Judgeship of Peace on January 13, 2022 and the Ankara 8th Criminal…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on company and its owner that had an attachment levied on İMM’s accounts –
According to EngelliWeb’s post, the İstanbul 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace, with its decision no. 2021/6154 dated October 4, 2021, imposed an access block on the news regarding the company…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on allegations about AKP’s Mersin Provincial Chair Cesim Ercik – BirGün Newspaper
The Mersin 2nd Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news alleging that Justice and Development Party (AKP) Mersin Chair Cesim Ercik was using electricity illegally,…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on allegations about AKP’s İstanbul Metropolitan Municipal Council member, lawyer Ömer Faruk – BirGün Newspaper
The İstanbul Anadolu 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed on access block on the news which alleged that lawyer Ömer Faruk, an İstanbul Metropolitan Municipal Council member from the…
Lawsuit for damages of 100 thousand TRY against BirGün newspaper, which reported on a Parliamentary question
Vice Minister of Health Sabahattin Aydın filed a lawsuit and demanded 100 thousand lira in damages from daily Evrensel, which covered the Parliamentary question of Republican People’s Party (CHP) Ankara…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to BirGün newspaper’s news report
With the decision of the İstanbul Anadolu 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace, an access block was imposed on the BirGün newspaper’s news report titled “AKP’s İstanbul Metropolitan Municipal Council Member…
BİK cuts public ads of BirGün and Evrensel newspapers
Press Advertisement Institution (BİK) fined BirGün newspaper for “not citing news sources in some news reports” and Evrensel newspaper due to “titles of news”. The public ads of the dailies…
Muğla - 2021
Access block to news on hotel allegedly built on burned forest area in Bodrum –
According to EngelliWeb’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights, the Milas Criminal Judgeship or Peace, with its decisions no. 2021/1316 and 2021/1317 dated September 6, 2021, imposed…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on Zindashti case – BirGün
According to EngelliWeb’s post, with its decision no. 2021/5116 dated September 1, 2021, the İstanbul Anadolu 8th Criminal Judgeship of Peace has ruled that various news reports regarding the Zindashti…
Ankara - 2021
Access block to news on allegations about Interior Minister Soylu’s cousin’s sale of medical products to SGK –
According to EngelliWeb’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights and with the decision no. 2021/4893 of the Ankara Batı 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace on July 16, an…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news and tweets on İHH’s aid to ISIS camps – BirGün
On the grounds of “violation of personal rights”, the İstanbul 9th and 11th Criminal Judgeships of Peace have imposed access blocks on the news and tweets about Sedat Peker’s statements…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to Prof. Bedri Gencer’s remarks attributing disasters to “ban on child marriages” – BirGün
With its decision dated April 9, 2021, the İstanbul 10th Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news regarding the statements of Prof. Bedri Gencer from…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to “beating for disrespect” news – BirGün
On the grounds of violation of “personal rights”, the Van 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news regarding the allegation that Agit Demirkan, a…
Kocaeli - 2021
Access block to news on Taha Hülagü, the son of Kocaeli University Rector – BirGün
According to EngelliWeb’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights and as per its decision 2021/900 dated February 11, 2021, the Kocaeli 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace has…
Bursa - 2021
Access block to news on a teacher celebrating Turkey’s withdrawal from İstanbul Convention – BirGün
According to EngelliWeb’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights and as per the decision no. 2021/2699 dated April 13, 2021 of the Bursa 4th Criminal Judgeship of…
Elazığ - 2021
Access block to the news about the block to the news about the journalist who was allegedly sexually assaulted by AKP MP Tolga Ağar and committed suicide – BirGün newspaper
According to EngelliWeb’s post, an access block was imposed on the news regarding the access block on the news about the journalist who had been allegedly sexually assaulted by AKP MP…
Ankara - 2021
Access block to news on an admiral photographed in the compound of a religious cult in robe and turban – BirGün newspaper
According to EngelliWeb’s post, an access block has been imposed on the news reports regarding an admiral who was photographed in the compound of a religious cult, wearing a robe…
Ankara - 2021
Access block to news on the murder of a dog – BirGün
According to Engelli Web’s post, the Ankara 3rd Criminal Judgeship of Peace imposed an access block on the news on Alp Erkin, who shot his neighbor’s dog to death. Given…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news on Uzka Construction – BirGün newspaper
The İstanbul Anadolu 5th Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on a news report published in BirGün newspaper’s website on February 7, 2021 and covering Orhan Uzuner,…
Sakarya - 2021
Access block to news on Wushu athlete – BirGün newspaper
On the grounds of “violation of personal rights”, an access block has been imposed on BirGün website’s news report about Wushu athlete Elif Akyüz, whose father is the Vice Chair…
BİK cuts public ads of BirGün newspaper
A complaint was filed to the Press Advertising Agency (BİK) about a news report published by daily BirGün on January 17. The news report indicated that Abdulaziz Velioğlu, the Eastern…
Edirne - 2020
Access block to news on former press adviser Veysel Filiz being caught with drugs – BirGün newspaper
According to Engelli Web’s post, with its decision no. 2020/5600 dated December 24, 2020, the Edirne 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on news regarding former…
İstanbul - 2021
Access block to news regarding the access block to news on İMM’s criminal complaint about AKP period – BirGün newspaper
According to Engelli Web’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights, the Bakırköy 2nd Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news regarding the…
İstanbul - 2021
BİK cuts public ads of BirGün newspaper
The Press Advertising Authority (BİK) has fined BirGün newspaper by cutting its public ads for three days over a news report titled “RTÜK recognizes no law or Constitutional Court verdict:…
İstanbul - 2020
BirGün newspaper’s ads cut for 23 days
The Press Advertisement Institution (BİK) fined the BirGün newspaper by cutting its public ads for a period of 23 days in December 2020. As reported by the online version of the…
Batman - 2020
Access block to news on allegation of sexual abuse in Gercüş – BirGün
With the decisions of the Gercüş Criminal Judgeship of Peace no. 2020/199 dated December 5, 2020 and no. 2020/202 dated November 7, 2020, an access block has been imposed on…
Ankara - 2020
Access block to news on allegations that the executive of a shuttered bank is appointed as a director to Presidency of Religious Affairs – BirGün
According to Engelli Web’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights, the Ankara 8th Criminal Judgeship of Peace has imposed an access block on the news regarding the…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to news on companies prospecting for gold with cyanide in Tokat – BirGün newspaper
The İstanbul 10th Criminal Judgeship of Peace, with its decision dated November 18, 2020 and no. 2020/4822, has imposed an access block on the news regarding the companies prospecting for…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to news report on FinCEN Files – BirGün newspaper
According to EngelliWeb’s post, on the grounds of violation of personal rights, the İstanbul Anadolu 1st Criminal Peace Judgeship has imposed an access block on the news report “FinCEN files:…
Gaziantep - 2020
Access block to news regarding the case of Duygu Delen – BirGün
According to the Engelliweb’s post, access block was imposed on the news articles regarding Duygu Delen (17), who suspiciously lost her life after falling off her previous boyfriend Mehmet K.’s…
Erzincan - 2020
Access block to news articles on the suicide of a worker in Erzincan – BirGün
According to the post of Engelliweb, access block was imposed on the articles published in the newsportals, Cumhuriyet,, Birgün and Milli Gazete regarding the peddler who burned himself and lost…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to news articles on the land used by Medipol Hospital – BirGün Gazetesi
According to Engelliweb’s post, access block was imposed on the news published in the online editions of BirGün, Cumhuriyet and Yeniçağ newspapers regarding the land which was donated under the…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to news article on food tender –
According to Engelliweb’s post, access block order was imposed on the news article entitled “Gıda ihalesi hep AKP’liye [Food tenders always goes to pro-AKP people] published in the online edition of…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to articles covering the Kingston Brothers case –
According to the post of Engelliweb, articles published in, birgü and, covering the Kingston Brother, who were accused of participating in a fraud scheme in the US, were blocked. It…
Muş - 2020
Access block to news articles on the murder of Fatma Altınmakas by her husband –
According to the post of Engelliweb, access block order was imposed on a total of 19 URLs including,,, and regarding the news on the murder of…
Ankara - 2020
Access block to articles covering developments on the Treasury – BirGün
Access block order was issued to news articles which were covering a year and a half long unpaid insurance payments due by Treasury published by Oda TV, BirGün,,…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block to articles on TÜRGEV
An access block order was issued to articles published by Halk Tv, Evrensel, Tele1, Birgün, T24 and patronlar news portals covering money transfer between TÜRGEV, the Red Crescent and Başkentgaz which…
İstanbul - 2020
Access block on the news regarding Menzil Cult –
Dated 25 June 2020 and numbered 2020/3644 the 7th Criminal Peace Judgeship of Istanbul Anatolia ordered an access block the news article entitled “Menzilciler istedi. AKP’li vekil teklif verdi:İsim değiştiriyorlar” published…
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